Turducken is one of the most coveted engastration holiday dishes that anyone can serve! A big fat turkey is the only way to go about Christmas dinners and that’s exactly how...
Norman blackberry loaf cake is a French loaf cake which combines apples and blackberries in a delicious sweet treat. You can serve it at any of your dinner parties as...
Beef Manhattan is a delicious combination of roasted beef which is cooked in several spices and herbs. It is a phenomenal choice to serve at dinner parties. You can enjoy...
Gateaux Nantais is a delicious French cake. The soft cake is topped with lemon and rum and will definitely be a treat for your taste buds! Let’s have a look...
Fromentée is a delicious combination of wheat and milk. It is one of the healthiest desserts you can make and also quite a filling one. It doesn’t need a lot...
This popular fast-food staple is best served sizzling hot with the juices still running steamy while the savory aroma fills up the room. The hot chicken sandwich is incredibly easy...
Fried chicken is a dish that is absolutely loved by all, especially the kids. After all, the crispy, crunchy and yummy flavor of fried chicken is hard not to love....
French dip sadwich, also known as a beef dip, is a scrumptious fast food meal that serves thinly sliced roast beef on any kind of bun, but mainly it is...