Spaghetti pie can be a delicious meal to prepare for the family on special occasions. However, with our super-simple recipe, you can also make this for casual everyday meals. Let’s...
Lasagna roll ups are one of the most delicious foods on the menu. Serve this dish on special occasions and impress all your guests! Health Benefits Lasagna is not just...
Made with aromatic ingredients that will tantalize the tongue, chicken saltimbocca is an Italian dish that will speak to your soul. This mouth-watering Italian dish became famous during Rome’s Imperial...
Coming from the rich Italian cuisine, Manicotti is a dish of pasta filled with savory fillings and topped with a tangy tomato sauce. Locally called cannelloni in Italy, Manicotti is...
Balsamic Vinaigrette is one of the most sought after dressings for any salad of your choice. You will be a star of the night at any family dinner party if...
Minestrone Soup is an Italian vegetable and pasta soup. It is one of the most delicious meals you can have. The refreshing blend will leave you asking for more. You...
Chicken Tetrazzini is one of the most flavor rich cuisines in the world. Whether you want to impress your guests at the dinner party or you want to prepare a...
Bolognese Sauce is a special sauce that goes with Pasta. However, you can savor its enticing flavor with many recipes as well. You can enjoy it in your minestrone soup...
Prawn pepper masala is a fun take on a pretty classic seafood dish. Prawns are a petty versatile seafood that pairs well with many different seasonings and foods. Covering your...
Prawn masala is a pretty standard dish eaten throughout the Indian subcontinents partially due to the lack of meat eaters in India. Like most prawn recipes, the cooking difficulty doesn’t...