Who doesn’t love lasagna when it comes to Italian cuisine? This recipe is a fun twist on the classic lasagna recipe as it turns the big dish into easy handful...
Spaghetti is a dish you can never say no to, especially when it is spicy chicken spaghetti. If you love lots of spice in your life and food, the dish...
What could be better for you than a good old fashioned bowl of garbanzo bean soup. It makes a wonderful appetizer or side dish that matches with most courses. The...
Pesto is a sauce originating in Genoa located in the southern part of Italy. The name of the sauce originated from the Genoese word ‘pesta’ which in literal sense means...
We completely understand how irresistible Creamy Pasta Primavera can be. This delicious dish that is full of vegetables and cheese is not as difficult to cook as it appears to...
Pastas are that comfort food that you just can’t live without. This delicious pasta dish is a pure treat for vegetarians and with just minimal ingredients you can come up...
Creamy chicken soup is the perfect comfort meal in the chilly days of autumn or winter. This yummy soup filled with cheesy tortellini, healthy vegetables, and heavy cream is loved...
Mediterranean chicken is a delicious cuisine item that has sautéed chicken simmered in a sauce of olives, tomatoes, garlic, herbs, and white wine. With a preparation time of only 20...
Cheese lasagna is a dish that is a favorite of all pasta enthusiasts. It is perhaps the oldest type of pasta. Customarily affiliated to the city of Naples, lasagna has...
Crostini, a sister dish to bruschetta, is another treat of the Italian cuisine, which are served as appetizers. Crostini itself are slices of toasted French baguette seasoned with olive oil...