Made with cantaloupe and cured ham, Prosciutto e Melone can serve as an impressive appetizer on your dinner table. The saltiness of prosciutto and sweetness of melon make up for...
Piadina Romagnola is a type of Italian bread that will make you hungry every time you think about it. Once cooked, this delicious bread is stuffed with sweet or salted...
Has Pesto Grilled Cheese Sandwich ever been a disappointment? We doubt it. Whether it’s at breakfast, lunch time or during those midnight hunger pangs, Pesto Grilled Cheese Sandwich never fails...
The pesto cheesy chicken rolls are dipped in eggs, rolled in breadcrumbs and have cheese rolled into them. They come out as delicious treats in about 45 minutes if you...
A simple dish, Pepperoni Stuffed Mushrooms is a favorite party snack. Low in fat and rich in flavor, these mushrooms are likely to quickly disappear from your dinner table. They...
Pasta Fagioli is by far one of the tastiest soups you will ever have. The dish is equipped with a lot of nutritious and tasty ingredients that make this a...
‘Amazing cheesy rolls that are perfect as a starter or snacks’ – this is how we describe Parmesan Puffs. You can make just 2 Parmesan puffs or 2 dozen times...
One of the dishes that truly represent everything that is heavenly about Italian cuisine! The subtle flavors, the spices, the sauces as well as the rich meat are all the...
No one’s really sure how this peculiar soup got its name but it definitely fits the bill. The soup itself is relatively easy to make and is composed of simple...