Hunter’s rabbit is a Portuguese traditional dish loaded with tasty flavors of herbs, vegetables and yummy sauces. Cook this wholesome and fulfilling dish for lunch or dinner, and enjoy its...
The combination of barley grass and berries makes a wonderfully refreshing smoothie that can help you start your day brighter than ever. You can make it for breakfast, take it...
The creamy limoncello is the kind of rebellious drink that your taste buds need. The creamy sweetness of the sugar and the milk mixed with the zesty and daring lemon...
Potato wedges are made using large, unpeeled potatoes which are fried or baked. Potato wedges are very popular in the US as well as some parts of Europe and Asia....
Baking brownies is no longer a tedious task that requires long hours of preparations and careful executions.But that’s not the best part, the best part is the fact that now,vegans...
Come warm weather, there’s nothing better than a frosty scoop of homemade vanilla ice cream pulled right from your freezer. It’ll impress your friends and keep you supplied with dessert...
Quinoa salad is an old concept that is back in vogue for good reason. It is easy to make; the ingredients are relatively available. Due to modern research we now...
Cupid’s Bow is a very popular drink at Valentine’s Day celebrations. Its main ingredients are vodka, raspberries, lemon juice, and egg whites. Make it for someone special today. Health Benefits...
Grapes are popular for making wines as well as fruit juices. They have sweet, translucent flesh, and some have seeds while others do not. Instead of buying grape juice, why...
Soya manchurian is a meal that will appeal to both vegetarians and meat eaters. The meat eater gets something that tastes like chicken while vegetarians juicy, tasty, and crisp soya...