Pasta Fazool or more commonly called Paste e Fagioli is a hearty comfort soup straight from the Neapolitan region of Italy. The dish consists of a tomato base soup cooked...
This super roasted garlic potato soup is not just delicious it is also nutritious! Roasting the garlic truly brings out the soup’s amazing flavor. It complements the potatoes in the...
This tasty soup makes an ideal comfort meal during the cold winter season. It’s a fulfilling and wholesome soup loaded with delicious sausages and an array of flavorful vegetables. So,...
If you are thinking how to add more greens to your dinner, Zuppa Toscana is the dish for you. A perfect fusion of sausage, kale and white cream, Zuppa Toscana...
Minestrone Soup is an Italian vegetable and pasta soup. It is one of the most delicious meals you can have. The refreshing blend will leave you asking for more. You...
Attu kaal soup, or lamb leg soup – originally from South India, is one of those dishes that embodies the term, “comfort food”. The lamb legs aren’t the meatiest part...
Creamy sweet corn soup is the perfect dish to add charm to a rainy evening. This soup is basically an Indo-Chinese dish. However, you can add different vegetables and beans to...
Aren’t you tired of preparing corn soup with traditional recipes? Don’t worry, we have you covered! This soup is a prominent part of the South Indian cuisine. Sweet corn kernel,...
A good bowl of classic tomato soup can be easily recognized as the ultimate comfort food. This thick and creamy soup can be enjoyed with a side of your choice,...