Chicken Macaroni Chicken macaroni is a delicious dish that’s quite simple to prepare. This dish can be a one-pot meal. There are many varieties of this dish and some can...
Chicken Bharta recipe is a deilicious Bengali dish that is Punjabi-inspired. As its name suggests, one of the main ingredient is chicken. To get the perfect dish, the chicken has...
Chana chilli is a spicy and mildly sweet white chickpea dish. It is often served with rice or roti, which tastes amazing with this chilli, and onion based gravy. It...
In India, upma is considered one of the best and healthiest ways to kickstart one’s day. This dish is ridiculously simple ideal for bachelors and bachelorettes, whose days are crammed...
Who can resist an apple jalebi? They are a favorite of children and adults alike, not just because of the sweet syrup coating, but also for the crunchy apple wafer...
When fresh vegetables and healthy lean meats, such as chicken, come together, you know that you’re in for the ultimate gastronomic indulgence. The addition of honey rasies the symphony of...
How To Make Bhujia In Your Kitchen Bhujia sev is a crispy and savory deep-fried snack from the land of Maharashtra. Made from mashed potato and spices, it is impossible...
Poriyal is a Tamil dish that roughly translates to fried or sautéed vegetables. It has many variations that make it suitable for many palettes. All poriyals are united by the...
Beetroot kootu is a classic dish that is perfect for the summer heat. The crisp, crunchy taste of the beet combined with its natural juiciness makes the kootu refreshing and...
Ever thought of ways to spice things up in your home? How about in the kitchen? Get your family ready for a foreign invasion as you try this new culinary...