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Sandwich Loaf

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Sandwich Loaf

  • Veg
    • 1 hr 30 mins
    • Serves 8
    • Hard


    How to Make Sandwich Loaf

    1. Take a saucepan filled salted water and boil it over high heat.
    2. Add asparagus in the water and cook it for 1 to 2 minutes.
    3. Drain the asparagus and dry it with paper towels
    4. Heat oil in a small nonstick skillet over medium-high heat.
    5. Cook shredded mushrooms for about 2 minutes until they turn brown. Transfer them to a bowl,
    6. Remove crusts from the bread to form an 8 inch long square loaf slices.
    7. Spread ¼ cup mayonnaise over the first slice and top with cooked mushrooms.
    8. Spread ¼ cup mayonnaise on second bread slice, and place ham slices evenly on the bread, keeping in mind not to leave the edges empty.
    9. Fill the gaps between ham pieces evenly with pistachios, and season with salt and pepper as per your taste.
    10. Spread 2 tbsp. mayonnaise over third bread slice and place asparagus spears, side by side, down the length of bread slice.
    11. Spread remaining mayonnaise over fourth bread slice and place over asparagus, mayonnaise side down.
    12. Squeeze the sandwich loaf by lightly pressing it to make it a bit compact.
    13. Beat cream cheese and cream until light and fluffy texture, for about 2 to 3 minutes on a medium speed.
    14. Using a butter knife, spread cream cheese mixture evenly over top and sides of sandwich loaf.
    15. Refrigerate the sandwich loaf for about an hour and your loaf is ready to serve.


    The sandwich loaf is a rare treat to find these days but it was a popular replacement for cakes at birthday parties during the1940’s and 1950’s.

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