Thekera Tenga Aru Mass, also known as Rohu Fish, in Mangosteen Curry is a special indigenous dish usually prepared by mothers in the southern part of the country and other South East Asian countries. In India, Assam is the major consumer of this dish. It’s deep purple in color, rich with antioxidants and vitamin C and low on calories. The dish is ideal for summers.
This recipe tastes great with rice or roti, and the combination makes a great meal for lunch! Make sure you pack the meal in a storage container or in an insulated lunch box so you can enjoy it warm later.
Health Benefits
The main ingredient in the dish is rohu fish, which is a freshwater fish and brings many health benefits. A source of Vitamin C, Rohu Fish helps in maintaining immunity and a good overall health. It supplies a high dosage of protein, acts as a brain-booster, heart friendly and is low in fat, making the dish a healthy one.
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