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Adjust Servings:
1 L full cream milk
2 lemons
1/3 cup – powdered sugar
5 cardamoms
20-25 saffron threads
10-12 Pistachios


  • Sweet
  • 10 mins
  • Serves 4
  • Easy


How to make Sandesh

  1. Pour milk in a vessel with a heavy base or bottom; let it simmer on a low flame. Meanwhile:
    1. combine water and lemon juice.
    2. Peel and crush cardamom seeds to make a fine powder.
    3. Thinly slice pistachios.
  2. Turn off the flame and let the milk cool down a little after it begins to boil.
  3. Add lemon water to the slightly warm milk in small portions. Keep stirring constantly.
    Note: Stop adding lemon water when the milk starts to coagulate.
  4. Strain the curdled milk through a muslin cloth. Hold the cloth tight and squeeze out every drop of water.

Note: Pour some cold water over it to remove the tartness of lemon.

  1. Transfer milk solids to another plate knead smooth.
  2. Add saffron and powdered sugar into the kneaded milk solids and knead again for 2-3 minutes.
  3. Heat a nonstick pan and add the sweetened milk solid mixture to it. Stir continuously for 3-4 minutes and turn off the heat. Transfer to a plate into another plate and let cool and then, mix cardamom powder.
  4. Pinch small lump from the mixture and roll into an oval shaped peda and place on a plate.
  5. Repeat step 8 until the entire mixture is utilized.
  6. Garnish with some chopped pistachios and enjoy! 


A sweet dish called sandesh is mentioned in medieval Bengali literature, including Krittibas' Ramayana and lyrics of Chaitanya.

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Khas Khas Halwa
Khas Khas Halwa
Khas Khas Halwa

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