You don’t need to head to Chinatown to get a chance to drink Hot and Sour Mutton Soup. This Chinese comfort food with a zing of vinegar can easily be...
Mutton pepper soup is a delicious food item that can easily substitute for a meal. It combines mutton with a seasoned dose of pepper to deliver a delicious experience. Follow the easy...
A creamy bowl of thick Mushroom Soup is surely a sight for sore eyes. Especially in winters when you are cold to your bones and would do anything to be...
Cream of vegetable soup is a tantalizing appetizer, easy to cook and ready to have in a maximum cooking time of 30 to 35 minutes. Made with a variety of...
Every region has its own version of soup. From England’s clam chowder to the Japanese miso soup. Hot and sour chicken soup, on the other hand, is popular among the...
Don’t you love having a cup of hot chicken soup on a cold winter evening? Why not give it a distinct flavor with bell pepper! The pleasant aroma and flavor...
When it comes to soups, the most popular and commonly ordered soup is the chicken corn soup. You can’t go without it if you are at a Chinese restaurant, because...
Juicy plum tomatoes come together with the aromatic fresh basil to give you a fresh taste of heaven in this soup. The soup is very quick easy to prepare. It...
Potato broccoli soup is a hearty, thick, cheesy and creamy which is the very reason why it will scintillate your taste buds and warm your soul, all at the same...
Potato soup is a comforting, warm and delicious soup. The bacon in it complements the flavor of potato. This classic recipe contains cream. The dish is commonly served in many...