String beans are economical and can be mixed with just about any combination of ingredients to give a delicious, healthy dish full of important nutrients such as vitamin C, potassium and fiber. They can serve as a light supper, put together in as little as 30 minutes. A dish with string beans is incredibly easy to prepare and doesn’t require much experience in the kitchen to pull off with the finesse of a professional chef.
Health benefits
- Garlic is highly nutritious and comes with few calories.
- It contains manganese, vitamin B6, C, selenium and fiber.
- Considering that garlic is used to treat various ailments such as the common cold around the world, it doesn’t come as a surprise that a string bean dish will be incredibly helpful if you catch a cold.
- Studies have shown that green beans prevent colon cancer and the high fiber content helps to improve the digestive system.
Green beans control diabetes by regulating the blood sugar levels to enable the body to perform necessary tasks.
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