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Lamb Burger

  • Veg
    • 45 mins
    • Serves 4
    • Easy


    • Lamb burger:

    • For the dip:

    How to make Lamb Burger

    1. Mix all burger ingredients with the minced lamb (except rosemary, buns and rocket leaves) and season with salt and pepper.
    2. Make sure everything is blended thoroughly to an almost dough-like consistency.
    3. Divide into 4 portions and flatten the meat to about 1.5 cm/0.5-inch burgers. The thicker the burger, the longer the cooking time.
    4. Place on the barbecue and grill for 10-15 minutes.

    If using a frying pan heat the oil and fry the burger.

    For extra flavor add the rosemary into the oil or on top of the barbecued burger.

    1. Turn occasionally until the meat is browned and cooked through.
    2. For the dip, combine all ingredients and mix well.
    3. Add salt and lemon juice to taste and keep aside.
    4. Warm both bun sides on the barbeque or in the pan.
    5. Garnish the buns with 0rocket leaves, slide the lamb into the center and serve with the dip. 

    This delicious burger can be served with roasted potatoes, a bowl of hummus, a fresh salad or just on its own. 

    Enjoy the dish and Happy cooking.

    Vegan Rasgulla
    Vegan Rasgulla
    aam ki khadi
    Aam Ki Kadhi
    Vegan Rasgulla
    Vegan Rasgulla
    aam ki khadi
    Aam Ki Kadhi

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