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Custard Apple Ice Cream

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Adjust Servings:
1½ L full cream milk or cow milk
4 tbsp organic sugar
vegan gelatin/ readymade ice cream mix
2 custard apples

Nutritional information

201 kcal
23 g
6 g
9 g
0 mg
0 mg

Custard Apple Ice Cream

  • Veg
  • 2 hrs 30 mins
  • Serves 4
  • Easy


How to make Custard Apple Ice Cream

  • Wash the custard apples and open with a knife. Take out the pulp in a dish and scrape out the custard apple inner sides. From the custard apple pulp take out the seeds.
  • Blend the custard apple pulp in the mixer. Keep aside the blended custard apple pulp.
  • Pour milk into a high heat resistant patila (pail). Turn the flame to high and allow the milk to boil. As soon as the milk boils, reduce the flame and simmer till volume is reduced to half.
  • Stir continuously while simmering with a steel ladle. Let the milk condense to desired thickness. Add organic sugar and stir well before turning off the heat. Place on a stone surface and allow it to cool.
  • Pour the homemade condensed milk into a mixer. Add the blended custard apple pulp and the vegan gelatin mix as per the manufacturer’s guidelines and blend well in the mixture for about twenty seconds. Finally pour out the blended mixture into an airtight refrigerating bowl and secure the lid on the container.
  • Place the container in the freezer for about two hours and your custard apple ice cream is ready to relish!


Custard apple is also called sugar apple, due to its grainy pulp which almost seems drizzled with sugar powder. Indians find the flavor of custard apple unique as it is not a native fruit of India, though it is now grown in several farms indigenously. Custard apple is a native fruit of Tropical Americas and The West Indies.

Kesar Kulfi
Kesar Kulfi
Gawaar Sabzee
Gawaar Sabzee
Kesar Kulfi
Kesar Kulfi
Gawaar Sabzee
Gawaar Sabzee

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