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Monte Cristo Sandwich

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Monte Cristo Sandwich

  • Veg
    • 20 mins
    • Serves 1
    • Easy


    How to Make Monte Cristo Sandwich

    1. Beat eggs in a shallow dish few pinches of seasoning as per preferences added to the batter. Set aside.
    2. Lightly heat the ham on the skillet and add the cheese after flipping sides
    3. Assemble sandwiches, with mustard, mayonnaise, ham, cheese, salt and pepper to personal preference.
    4. Slightly compress sandwich.
    5. Heat skillet over medium heat. Add butter; allow to melt.
    6. Dip and coat each sandwich in beaten egg, and place in skillet. Cook sandwiches 2-3 minutes on each side, until browned to liking and cheese has melted.


    Most food historians generally believe that the Monte Cristo sandwich is a variation of a French dish called Croque Monsieur which it is not as a matter of fact it is an entirely separate design in itself. This original grilled cheese sandwichconsists of Gruyere cheese and lean ham between two slices of crustless bread.

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