When craving strikes for something cool, refreshing and delicious to beat off the summer heat, a sparkling orange passion fruit spritzer is the perfect way to curb that hankering.
Made by cooking down tart orange and lemon juice and combining it with the subtly sweet pulp of the passion fruit, the spritzer is the perfect companion to a light supper during the summer months. The delicious mixture of the fruits drink is enjoyable for both adults and children alike. The young ones can enjoy the virgin version of the drink, while the adults can have a little pick me up with a shot of vodka in the mix.
Health Benefits
Oranges are a rich resource of many nutrients like vitamin C, vitamin A, potassium and other nutrients that are beneficial for preventing heart diseases, diabetes and others. Oranges also have abundant resources of beta-carotene, which is a powerful antioxidant that prevents free-radicals from damaging cells. Similarly, passion fruits have rich sources of vitamin, A, vitamin C, riboflavin, iron, phosphorus, copper, dietary fiber, magnesium and other nutrients. The nutrients from both fruits combined, can help prevent various diseases and improve overall health.
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