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Pomegranate Juice

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Adjust Servings:
For Strawberry Ice Cubes :
6 strawberries
1 glass water
For Water Ice Cubes :
1 glass water
For Pomegranate Juice :
3 pomegranates
salt to taste
Freshly ground black pepper to taste
1/2 cup sparkling water

Pomegranate Juice

  • Sweet
  • 15 mins
  • Serves 4
  • Easy


  • For Strawberry Ice Cubes :

  • For Water Ice Cubes :

  • For Pomegranate Juice :

How to Make Pomegranate Juice

For Strawberry Ice Cubes

  1. Remove crowns of each of the strawberries.
  2. Slice each of the strawberries in half.
  3. Fill up an ice tray with water in a way that only half of the ice cube compartments are filled with water.
  4. Place half a strawberry into each ice cube compartment.
  5. Put the ice tray in freezer and let it freeze for at least a couple of hours.

For Water Ice Cubes

  1. Fill up an ice tray with a glass of water.
  2. Put the ice tray in the freezer and let it freeze for at least a couple of hours.

For Pomegranate Juice

  1. Remove crowns of all the pomegranates.
  2. Cut each of the pomegranates in half from the center.
  3. Take a bowl and empty pomegranate seeds into it.
  4. Once, all seeds have been obtained, put these in a blender.
  5. Add water ice cubes into the blender and spin a few times.
  6. Put a strainer over a large jug and strain out the pomegranate juice leaving all the seeds and pulp behind to discard.
  7. Take a glass.
  8. Add a couple of strawberry ice cubes, half a cup of sparkling water and pomegranate juice into the glass.
  9. Sprinkle salt and freshly ground black pepper to taste.
  10. Enjoy while it’s chilled!Serve in tumblers

Just make a batch and store it in your insulated flask, so you can have a cup when you feel like.


  • The literal meaning of the word pomegranate is apple with seeds.
  • Pomegranates belong to the family of berries.
  • A pomegranate tree can survive up to 200 years.

You can refrigerate pomegranate for about 2 months.

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