Chikoo milkshake is a typical tropical drink, ideal for relentlessly scorching summers. While binging on ice cream only adds more pounds, milkshakes are less much less fatty and sugary, and evidently healthier substitutes to cool-off.
Sapodilla, commonly known as chikoo in Hindi, is extensively cultivated in South and Southeast Asia.
Health Benefits:
- Chikoo comprises approximately 24% percent vitamin C, 20% dietary fiber, 5% potassium, and considerable amounts of folates and magnesium. Now, that’s some good news for chikoo lovers!
- Like most fruits, the skin of the chikoo fruits is rich in vital nutrients and has a delicate skin. Therefore, there’s no need to peel off the skin while consuming the fruit. However, to blend your milkshake, you may or may not peel the skin. Pack some Chikoo Milkshake in a smart water bottle from Vaya and have on the go!
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