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Adjust Servings:
500 g boneless chicken breast
vegetable oil
4 cups water
1 tsp MSG
1 egg
1 cup milk
2 cups flour
1 ½ tbsp paprika
1 tbsp Mexican chili
1 cup shredded lettuce
1 diced tomato


  • Non Veg
  • 1 hr
  • Serves 6
  • Easy


How to making Your Own Twister

  1. Cut off fat and skin from your chicken breast then slice the chicken into 1x2 in strips.
  2. Get a large bowl and pour water, 1tsp salt,MSG, and mix well. This is to marinade the chicken.
  3. Place the chicken inside the marinade and let it sit for about 20 minutes. Make sure to flip the chicken over once to ensure both sides get well marinated.
  4. Get another bowl and beat your egg in it.
    1. Pour in the milk along with the remaining salt, MSG, and your other ingredients(flour, pepper, paprika, Mexican chili).
    2. Mix thoroughly.
  5. Pre-heat your vegetable oil in a deep fryer to 220 °C.
  6. Remove your chicken from the marinade and drain off excess water.
    1. Place about 5-10 strips of the chicken into the mixture of other ingredients and mix until the chicken is evenly coated.
    2. Remove and place the chicken on a plate.
  7. Dip the coated strips in your egg and milk mixture then place inside the spiced mixture again.
    1. Continue this process until you are satisfied with the coatingthickness.
  8. Fry the strips 5 at a time in hot oil for a couple of minutes and make sure they don’t stick together.
  9. Remove and drain the chicken.
  10. Heat up each sides of the tortilla, but not to a crisp level. Then place about 3-5 fried strips on the tortilla.
  11. Add mayonnaise, tomatoes, pepper, salt, and then lettuce.

Roll your stocked tortillas up and wrap with a foil paper. Gently place each in your Vaya Tyffyn lunchbox and enjoy your twister on the go. 


Tomatoes are exceptional plants due to their high antioxidant content in the form of lycopene, which has been proven to fight cancer-causing free radicals.


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