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Adjust Servings:
2 tbsp clarified butter (ghee)
3 cups of sesame seeds
2 cups of jaggery
1/2 cup water


  • Sweet
  • 40 mins
  • Serves 4
  • Easy


How to make Tilkut

  1. In a frying pan, heat oil for 2 minutes and then add the sesame seeds. Stir constantlytill they turn a little brown. Constant stirring is required as the sesame seeds burn very quickly and becomes bitter.
  2. Transfer the sesame seeds to a bowl. Once cooled completely, grind the seeds to form a coarse powder.
  3. Boil water in a non-stick pan and add jaggery. When the jagerry is completely, dissolved, strain through a mesh and discard residual impurities.
  4. Return the syrup back to the pan and continue stirring on low heat till a thick paste is formed.
  5. Mix the syrup intermittently with groundsesame seeds. To prevent crystallization of the jaggery syrup, mixing must be swiftly and continuous.
  6. Transfer the seed-jaggery mixture to a plate and use your hands, preferably with a dab of ghee, and make them into the desired shape.


  • You may add nuts of your choice with the sesame seeds.
  • In case you do not have jaggery, you may use powdered sugar to make the syrup.


  • Gaya is said to have the best tilkuts.
  • In Buddhist literature, references are made to this sweet as ‘Palala.’
  • The sesame seeds have been cultivated for over 3500 years. Their origin has been traced back to Africa and India.
  • The sesame plant is resilient and readily grows in places where it is impossible to cultivate other seeds.
Indian Gulagula
Indian Gulagula
Til Diya Maas
Til Diya Maas
Indian Gulagula
Indian Gulagula
Til Diya Maas
Til Diya Maas

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