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Ranch Dressing

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Adjust Servings:
2 cloves of garlic
salt to taste
1/2 cup of mayonnaise
1/2 cup buttermilk
1/4 cup of diced parsley
2 tbsp fresh dill
1 tbsp minced chives
1 tbsp Worcestershire sauce
1/2 tbsp fresh ground pepper
1/2 tbsp white vinegar
1/8 tbsp cayenne
1 tbsp hot sauce

Ranch Dressing

  • Veg
    • 40 mins
    • Serves 12
    • Easy


    How to Make Ranch Dressing

    Ranch dressing is a very quick and easy recipe to create. Once you have all the ingredients, your work is almost complete. Below we present to you a step-by-step guide to delicious ranch dressing.

    • Take a big bowl and take the mayonnaise and buttermilk and mix gently.
    • Dice the garlic clove into very thin Alternately you can also crush it into a pulp and add this to the bowl.
    • Now whisk in all the reaming ingredients in the same bowl and mix everything thoroughly.
    • Add salt and pepper to taste.
    • Put the bowl with the dressing in the fridge and let it cool for a couple of hours.
    • You can control the consistency of the dressing by adding more or less buttermilk according to your preference.

    Your ranch dressing is now ready to be eaten with salads, fries or in anyway that you want.


    • Steve Henson, a plumber from Alaska, first made ranch dressing around the 1950s. The combination of buttermilk and herbs that he invented gained so much popularity that he could sell his name and his recipe to the food company Clorox for $8 million in 1972.
    • The flavor of ranch dressing is so popular that today, you can find a variety of edibles which are ranch flavored, including potato chips, taco shells and even drinks.

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