Peas pulao tastes great when cooked using the one pot meal method. Although you can use the method to create just about any type of pulao, the peas pulao in particular is the most basic type. Do not be concerned over how basic it is however, it is still a delicious pulao and makes for a fantastic maindish, or very light meal. So, get cooking on this today, all it takes is a few handy ingredients and a few minutes of your time. Make a spicy side of rajma masala or chole masala an you are all set for an awesome meal which tastes great.
This Peas Pulao is all you need to bring your A Game on to the dining table. Serve the Peas Pulao warm and fresh from casserole and make the meal more interesting than it already is!
Health Benefits
Green peas are a prominent and popular member of the legume family. They are high in many nutrients and antioxidants which gives them an amazing health profile. They have a low calorie and high protein content. And they contain a wide range of vitamins like vitamin A, vitamin K, vitamin C, thiamine, folate, iron, phosphorous, and manganese just to name a few.
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