Mushroom biriyani is a fantastic substitute for meat-based biriyanis. It is a wonderful option for vegans and vegetarians. The mushrooms have a nice chewy texture which makes a good substitute for the texture of meat. Like most biriyanis which are made using a layering technique, this dish only benefits from using the one pot cooking method which uses layering as one of its primary cooking techniques. Cooking this way only makes this dish easier to prepare.
A serving of warm and delicious Mushroom Biryani is all you need to lighten your mood. Serve it fresh from hot case, and celebrate every home cooked meal for what it is, healthy, balanced and best!
Health Benefits
Mushrooms are one of the oldest meat supplements around. They have many of the properties we desire in meat without actually being meat. Not only do they provide a sense of chewiness and substance to a meal, but they have a high protein content and certain vitamins and minerals like iron, magnesium, potassium, sodium, and vitamin C. Mushrooms have all the benefits of protein without the negative impact you may get from eating meat, like an increase in cholesterol.
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