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Marmite Sarthoise

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Marmite Sarthoise

  • Non Veg
  • 50 mins
  • Serves 6
  • Easy


How to Make Marmite Sarthoise

  1. Cut the chicken, rabbit and turkey ham into small pieces.
  2. Season the vegetables with salt and pepper and lightly steam them in a wok.
  3. Flour all the meat covering both sides and fry them in the wok for 5 minutes.
  4. Add the mushrooms and keep sautéing for 3 minutes.
  5. Add the balsamic vinegar and mix well.
  6. Add the crème fraiche and the beef broth and stir vigorously until all the juices are combined.
  7. Add the sautéed vegetables from earlier to the wok and give it a final simmering for 10 minutes.
  8. Transfer to a serving bowl or platter.
  9. Serve and enjoy!


  • French people attribute their healthy lifestyle to their cuisine. It has just the right amount of sauces, fats and seasonings making it not only one of the most mouth watering cuisines in the world but also the healthiest. All the ingredients mostly are fresh produce and lean meats with herbal seasonings.
  • Horse and rabbit meat is quite the favorite meat in France which is why you will always see them in all French gourmet restaurants.
  • The French people love their cheese and have a wide variety of cheeses that are just produced in France.
  • The French value their meals a lot which is why it is not uncommon to see 2 hour lunch breaks. Don’t be surprised to see government buildings or offices be closed for two hours during the day for lunch if you are in France.

Around 500 million snails are consumed in France. This is because they have escargot as a one of their main meals. It is made with fresh snail meat.

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