Lemon String Beans are the most basic and fundamental kind of dish that one can think of. They can be served as a salad, as an appetizer and as a wonderful entrée for those on a diet. It is undoubtedly one of the most simplistic dishes based solely on the elements and the ingredients involved. The prep and the proper way to cook are also extremely simple.
All of these form a satisfying combination along with the zest provided by a lemon. That lemon zest goes perfectly with the sweetness of the beans and provides that coveted balance in a dish.
Easy to make, light on the wallet and healthy in every meaning of the word…it’s a must eat dish.
Health benefits:
- Green benefits can reduce the risk of heart diseases.
- They’re rich in flavonoids.
- They are also extremely useful in preventing blood clots in the arteries and veins.
- Intake of green beans can help you avoid any strokes and other thrombotic activity.
- They are also helpful in preventing colon cancer.
- They are a rich source of protein and fiber.
- They are helpful in preventing diabetes.
- They are good sources of quercetin and kaempferol.
- They’re good for the bones and the eyes.
- They can also boost your immunity.
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