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Chilled Cucumber-Prawn Soup

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Chilled Cucumber-Prawn Soup

  • Non Veg
  • 1 hr
  • Serves 4
  • Medium


How to Make Chilled Cucumber-Prawn Soup

  1. Before you get started, make sure that the prawns you’re about to use are fresh and properly cut.
  2. Once you’ve washed them properly, set them aside and let them rest.
  3. Take two cucumbers and cut them in half.
  4. Once you’ve properly cut, take out all the seeds and discard them.
  5. Properly chop the flesh into equal parts.
  6. Place them in a processor with yoghurt, crème fraiche, stock, Tabasco, salt and herbs.
  7. Process them thoroughly to get a fine and consistent puree.
  8. Take it out in a separate bowl and cover it up with a plastic wrap.
  9. Once you’ve got it wrapped up, refrigerate it properly.
  10. Use a peeler to cut long strips from the remaining cucumber.
  11. They will prove helpful in the finished dish.
  12. Now, heat up oil in a separate pan.
  13. Once the oil is properly heated up, add the prawns.
  14. Along with the prawns, add the garlic, chilies and cook until the prawns are cooked through.
  15. The best way to make sure they’re properly cooked is to check for the color, brown or dark brown and they’re perfect.
  16. Take them out and place them in a separate plate.
  17. Add some parsley and mix them up nicely.
  18. Place some prawns in a different bowl.
  19. Mix in the soup.
  20. Make sure the prawns are properly dipped in the soup.
  21. Garnish with cucumber peels.
  22. Season with pepper and salt.


Cucumbers are preferred as a better energy option than Redbull or Monster due to its high glucose content.

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