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Brine chicken

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Brine chicken

  • Non Veg
  • 1 hr 10 mins
  • Serves 6
  • Medium


How to make Brine chicken

  1. Heat the water and pour it into a container, fill the container full. 
  2. Put in the salt, sugar, soy sauce and oil into the hot water. 
  3. Wait for the water to come at room temperature and add herbs, spices,and garlic if you want your dish to be more flavorful. 
  4. After the temperature of water comes down, put the chicken breast into it and make sure all of it submerged in the water. You are free to break down the breast into pieces if it doesn't fit into the container. 
  5. Cover the container with cloth or plastic foil and refrigerate the chicken breast for upto 12 hours before roasting it. 
  6. Dry the brined chicken breast with atowel or wash it before cooking. 


  1. People who have treated their chicken with brine have noticed a considerable difference in their dish and didn't, at all, miss this step. 
  1. Amount of salt can be controlled,so people prefer treating their chicken at home rather than buying processed raw chicken.
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