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Apple Cider

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Adjust Servings:
10 apples, quartered
1 tbsp ground allspice
1 tbsp ground cinnamon
3/4 cup white sugar

Apple Cider

  • Veg
    • 1 hr 30 mins
    • Serves 3
    • Easy


    How to Make Apple Cider

    1. Take a large stockpot and put quartered apples into it.
    2. Pour in enough water to cover the apples by at least 2 inches.
    3. Add to the apples -sugar, cinnamon, and allspice.
    4. Bring the ingredients to a boil.
    5. Boil without covering the pot for an hour.
    6. After an hour, cover the pot, lessen heat, and let simmer for about 2 hours.
    7. Let apple mixture pass through a fine netfilter.
    8. Remove solid pieces and discard.
    9. Trench cider again through a cheesecloth lined filter.
    10. Refrigerate until cold and serve!


    • The well-known folk hero of Switzerland, on November 18th, 1307, shot an apple from his son’s head. November 18th is now celebrated as National Apple Cider Day.
    • Cider was presented as a cure for gout and other illnesses amid 19th Century.
    • Cider is often used to refer to apple juice that has no preservative, and apple juice is used for the juice of apple that has been treated.
    • Celts were spotted sipping a drink made from crab apples in 55BCE when the Romans stormed through England. They then adapted the idea and took it back to Rome.
    • A gallon of apple cider is made with 36 pieces of apples. 
    • Because of it being cleaner than water, children were baptized in cider in the 14th.
    • Four pints of cider a day were paid to farm workers in earlier times as wages.
    • It is said that 365 different varieties of cider producing apples were grown in the olden times.
    • While cider is loved by everyone despite the gender, women tend to drink half the volume men do.
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