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Slow Cooker Tomato Sauce

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Slow Cooker Tomato Sauce

  • Veg
  • 8 hrs 5 mins
  • Serves 2
  • Medium


How to Make Slow Cooker Tomato Sauce

  1. In a large crock pot, combine all the ingredients.
  2. Cover the crock pot and turn on the flame on low heat.
  3. Let the mixture cook for good seven to eight hours. Stir occasionally.
  4. Once you see that the tomatoes have broken down, uncover the pot and continue to cook until you have achieved the desired consistency.
  5. The time for cooking is dependent upon how much water is there in the tomatoes. The more the water, the longer it will take.
  6. If you want to make a chunkier tomato sauce, pick the tomato skins and cores out of the sauce as it cooks.
  7. If you want a smoother sauce, you can have the sauce run into a food processor.
  8. Add a tablespoon of lemon juice to give an acidic taste to your sauce.
  9. Pour the tomato sauce into a jar and it can be used for as long as a year if preserved in the freezer.


  • Tomatoes were once deemed as poisonous. In 1820, the consumption of tomato was banned lawfully.
  • On September 26, 1830, the statement of tomatoes being poisonous was declared myth and the ban was rose.
  • In 1842, tomatoes were declared as the latest craze.
  • Scientifically, tomatoes are called Lycopersicon (singular: Lycopersicum) which means “wolf peach.”

The origination of word tomato is from “xitomati” which means “plump thing with a navel.”

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