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Pommes De Terre À La Berrichonne

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Adjust Servings:
6 big potatoes
2 onions
200 g smoked breast
40 g Butter
salt and pepper
2 tbsp fresh cream
70 g saint-nectaire

Pommes De Terre À La Berrichonne

  • Veg
  • 30 mins
  • Serves 4
  • Easy


How to Make Pommes De Terre À La Berrichonne

  1. Use aluminum foil to drape each potato and heat for 35 minutes in preheated oven (210 °, TH7). You can also cook potatoes faster with water.
  2. Check if the potatoes are cooked by inserting a knife.
  3. Peel off the skin and cut the onions.
  4. Slice the smoked belly into bacon.
  5. Fry the chopped onions and bacon with butter in a frying pan to the point that butter is lightly browned. Then add salt and pepper.
  6. Take off the aluminum paper. Slit open the top of the potatoes. Scoop the inside of potatoes using a spoon, making sure you do not damage the skin.
  7. Combine the pulp with onions, bacon, and the cream.
  8. Now include the nectary steak cut into small cubes. Spice up and stuff your potatoes. Place a small cube of cheese on each of your potatoes.
  9. Let run in the oven for 5-10 min on 210 °, TH7.
  10. Dish up and devour immediately with a healthy green salad.


  • Each potato is made up of 80% water.
  • August 19th and October 27th are celebrated in different countries as National Potato Day.
  • The potato is among the most environmentally-friendly vegetables. Unlike numerous other vegetables, they’re too easy to grow and don’t require huge quantities of compost and chemicals.

Research proves that an average American eats 140 pounds of potatoes each year but that’s nothing as compared to the Germans awho eat as many as 200 pounds of potato annually.

Sage Leon

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