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Adjust Servings:
Ingredients for Filling:
2 cups grated coconut
1 cup powdered jaggery
2-3 powdered green cardamoms
1 tsp Ghee
Ingredients for Dough:
1 cup fine rice flour
1 cup water
1 large pinch salt
1 tsp Ghee
1 tsp ghee – for greasing


  • Sweet
  • 1 hr
  • Serves 11
  • Easy


  • Ingredients for Filling:

  • Ingredients for Dough:

How to make Modak

  1. Add 1 tsp ghee to a hot pan.
  2. Sauté coconut and jaggery until they are well blended and the mixture is thick.
  3. Add cardamom powder and remove from heat. Let cool completely.
  4. In a separate pot, Boil 1 cup water with ghee and salt.
  5. Remove from heat and add flour, mixing thoroughly. Set aside to cool for a few minutes.
  6. Knead this mixture to a soft dough while still warm, and split into 11 equal portions, balling them as you go.
  7. Take balls of dough one at a time and make a dent in the center.
  8. Dip your fingers in water.
  9. Spread the dough with your thumb and forefinger on both hands, stretching gently in a circular motion to make a thin disk.
  10. Pinch off a little dough from the outside of the disks every ½-¾ inch to make pleats.
  11. Place filling in the center of each dough disk.
  12. Bring all pleats together, joining them carefully. You may need to moisten your fingers again to do this.
  13. Place all 11 modaks into a steamer basket, layered with a moist cloth.
  14. Boil water in the steamer, and let modak steam for 10 minutes.
  15. Let modak rest for 10 minutes, then serve. 

Modakis a tantalizing treat for any event. Dazzle your dinner guests with your expertise, or surprise your children by sneaking this sweet delicacy into the lunch box for kids! 


  • Modakcarries great religious significance. It is the favorite sweet of the Hindu deity Ganesha, which earned him the nickname modakapriya – meaning “one who likes modak.” Traditionally, during Ganesh Chaturthi, an offering of 21 modaks is made to Ganesha by the Puja, as prasadam.
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