Jalfrezi is a preparation method popular in Indian cuisine. It involves frying marinated meats, like chicken or fish, vegetables, and spices in oil to create a thick dry sauce. This dish calls for chicken, but feel free to substitute your favorite meat or vegetable; you can even make this meal entirely vegetarian if you wish. Jalfrezi is also notoriously spicy which makes it the perfect refreshing dish for hot summer days, or the ideal warming dish for cold winter days.
Health Benefits
Chicken jalfrezi has a variety of health benefits that make it a great addition to your cooking repertoire. The capsaicin quantities in jalfrezi are notable, so it is one of the healthiest dishes to absorb capsaicin’s healthy qualities from. Capsaicin is far and wide one of the best cancer preventing agents around, especially prostate cancer and breast cancer. It also helps alleviate all manner of pain. It can be difficult to treat chronic migraines, but capsaicin specializes in the treatment of chronic migraines and headaches, so reach for some chilies next time you feel the need for some Advil.
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