This is one of the dishes that can lead people to be both confused and positively surprised. The first reason for that is because, despite the name, there isn’t an actual duck being cooked. The Bombay duck is a small and transparent fish that can be found in the Arabian Sea. There are multiple ways to cook them. It can be eaten fresh as the flesh is tender. However, the most popular way is to eat it is to sun-dry it and then add some salt to it.
Pan-frying it after coating it with rice flour is also another method. However, it cannot be cooked in any wet method as the moisture will turn its delicate flesh into mush.
Health benefits:
- Fish are a good source of iodine which can help with problems like obesity, goiter, hypothyroidism and lower IQ.
- It’s full of fats, vitamins, and minerals that are good for the brain.
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