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Spring Risotto

  • Non Veg
  • 47 mins
  • Serves 6
  • Easy


How to Make Spring Risotto

  1. To a large saute pan, add 1 tablespoon of butter and olive oil, and heat it over medium-high heat.
  2. Once you see the butter foaming add the onion and saute it until it becomes tender and soft, this shall take you about 6-7 minutes.
  3. Add salt and pepper to taste, to the onion. Then add the rice and cook as you stir. Keep cooking the rice till you hear the rice crackle gently because of the heat. Then add the wine and cook, stirring as the wine gets almost dry and absorbed.
  4. After the wine has been absorbed, then comes in the broth. Add 1 cup of broth, it should be hot by the time you add it, stir it till the rice soaks it and then add more. You will need to go one by one as you add the broth.
  5. Cook the rice till it gets tender, which it should take you 25 – 30 minutes.
  6. Include the asparagus and peas to the mix and cook them till you see the peas turning almost bright green. Check whether the asparagus has been warmed through and then remove the pan from the heat and add 1 tablespoon of butter and parmesan.


Did you know that asparagus comes from the Lily family and is related to onions, leeks, and garlic?

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