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Homemade Delicious Pizzas

  • Veg
    • 35 mins
    • Serves 5
    • Easy


    • Pizza Dinner Bowl :

    • Cheesy Pizza Rolls :

    • Pizza Lasagna :

    How to make Pizza Dinner Bowl

    1. Preheat oven to 350o F/ 180o
    2. Take a bread bowl and slice off the top. Keep the top aside as you’ll need it later on. Thenmost of the inner white part of the bread and press it down to the bottom of the bread bowl.
    3. Fill the bowl with toppings below in order.
    • Tomato sauce
    • Onions
    • Mozzarella cheese
    • Pepperoni
    • Basil/spinach
    • Cooked Sausage (optional)
    • Ground black pepper
    1. Top it off with some more tomato sauce and Mozzarella cheese and close it with the top of the dinner bowl that you cut and set aside earlier.
    2. Wrap the filled bowl with analuminum foil sheet and weigh it down with a heavy object such as a cast iron pan, for 15-20 to flatten it a bit.
    3. Top the flatten bowl with more Mozzarella cheese and a few pepperonis if you like.
    4. Place pizza bowl onto a baking sheet and bake in the oven for 30 minutes.
    5. Remove from oven and serve warm. As easy as that!

    How to make Cheesy Pizza Rolls

    1. Preheat oven to 400o F/ 200o
    2. Take a pack of ready-made pizzadough and cut it into a rectangle.
    3. Arrange the pepperoni in a single row on the pizza dough from left to right along the length side of the pizza dough.
    4. Arrange the mozzarella in another single row below the row of pepperoni, on the pizza dough. Continue this interlaying of the pepperoni and Mozzarella until the bottom of the dough.
    5. Then sprinkle roasted red pepper, more shredded Mozzarella cheese, crushed red pepper, and dried oregano over the top. Feel free to change up on the seasonings to your preferences.
    6. Roll up the dough into a cylinder like a cinnamon roll, from the length side and set aside.
    7. Mix melted butter, garlic, pepper, salt, and parsley in a mixing bowl.
    8. Brush the pizza roll with the butter mixture.
    9. Bake in pre-heated oven at for 15-20 minutes.
    10. Serve it hot with a bowl of tomato sauce.

    How to make Pizza Lasagna

    1. Preheat oven to 375o F/ 190o
    2. In a skillet, heat olive oil and cook Italian sausage until warmed through and set aside.
    3. In the same skillet, sweat the onions for about 3 to 4 minutes. Then add bell pepper and garlic until everything is cooked through. Remove from heat and set aside.
    4. In a casserole dish, start assembling the lasagna by layering the ingredients in the following order as one layer. Do this layering twice and you should get 2 complete layers.
    • ½ portion of the tomato sauce/ salsa
    • 3 sheets lasagna noodles
    • ½ portion of the Ricotta cheese
    • ½ portion of the cooked Italian sausage
    • ½ portion of the cooked veggies
    • 1/3 portion of the shredded mozzarella
    1. Top off with pepperoni, basil and the rest of the Mozzarella cheese.
    2. Bake lasagna in pre-heated oven for 45-55 minutes.
    3. Serve warm!
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