Nannari juice is an amazing health tonic that you might not have heard of yet. It is a major component of Ayurveda medicine where it is prized for its many health benefits. You can actually extract nannari juice directly from the Indian sarsaparilla plant. But if you do not have any sarsaparilla on hand for some reason, you can just purchase nannari extract at the grocery store. However, you get your nannari though, it will be worth it, because the juice tastes great. Carry this juice in the insulated Vaya Drynk and beat the heat with the chilled cold nannari drink!
Health Benefits
Nannari juice is hands down one of the best things that you can consume for your health. It is a sarsaparilla extract, which means it has all of the health benefits found in sarsaparilla. Sarsaparilla is sued to treat psoriasis, arthritis, and even syphilis (though it is nowhere near as effective as actual antibiotics). Sarsaparilla also contains anticancer and antitumor properties, which makes it great for treating certain types of cancer like breast cancer.
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