Sometimes you need a perfect drink to go with your perfect snack. Most people would prefer having carbonated drinks. Lemon Posset is a drink that uses just three ingredients, and it is very easy to prepare. It is tasty, healthy and quick. For folks who do not want a lot of sugar in the diet, find a replacement and do not get addicted if you want to watch your calories.
According to an article in Guardian, in its earliest form, posset was made from milk curdled with alcohol or citrus juice. Sack posset with Spanish fortified sherry-style wine was particularly popular in the 15th and 16th centuries. By the mid-18th century, however, the mixture tended to be thickened with ground almonds, crushed biscuits or egg yolks instead.
Just so you know, before Joseph Priestley discovered a method of infusing water with carbon dioxide, people would drink fermented drinks or a fresh juice. Lemon Posset is in between a dessert and a drink suitable after a meal or an evening drink.
Health Benefits
Citrus fruits are high in vitamin C like lemons, which is the main antioxidant ingredient that helps protect cells from damaging free insurgents. Vitamin C can also reduce your risk of cardiovascular disease and stroke, and lower blood pressure. Research published showed that people with low vitamin C levels, especially obese men with high blood pressure, have a higher risk of stroke. Vitamin C may also help prevent or limit the duration of common cold in some people.
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