Apple Cider Vinegar and its Benefits

Apple cider vinegar is one of the most prized compounds used in the natural health and wellness community. Its popularity is due to its large number of health benefits which have been confirmed through peer reviewed research. Some of the more popular health benefits include, reduced cholesterol, weight loss, lower blood sugar levels, and improved diabetes symptoms. Many of these…

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Diabetes Mellitus: What Must a Diabetic Diet Typically Constitute of?

Diabetes mellitus, more commonly known as simply diabetes, is a disease affecting millions of people worldwide. Diabetes can be categorized into two types: Type -1 and Type-2. The former is characterized by a lack of insulin production in the pancreas. Without insulin, your body is not able to store glucose in the cells, which leaves your blood glucose levels too…

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Myocardial Infarction: Why Cutting Down Red Meat Helps

Myocardial infarction, more commonly known as a heart attack, happens when the blood flowing to your heart stops or reduces in volume. The lack of blood causes subsequent damage to the heart muscle and the surrounding blood vessels. You can typically recognize the signs that a myocardial infarction is imminent when you begin to experience a certain few symptoms. The…

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Why Foods Rich in Omega-3 Fatty Acids are Linked with Asthma?

For years now omega-3 fatty acids have been prized for their health benefits, especially those to do with the brain. But new research has shown that omega-3 fatty acids may be capable of reducing the symptoms of childhood asthma. Omega-6 fatty acids on the other hand may help aggravate your child’s asthmatic symptoms. Researchers utilized 135 asthmatic children ranging from…

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