How You Can Avoid Sugar in Your Snacks, Meals, and Drinks

Tring to eat healthy in today’s world is more challenging than ever before. There are so many choices that one has to weed through that it can be truly difficult to find the healthy option. This is especially the case if you are buying your food from the stores. At that point, you have no choice but to scrutinize every label to see what nutrients are in it at all. This can be a time consuming and arduous process. What’s worst, it can be entirely futile if you don’t know what you’re doing and are unfamiliar with how to interpret the nutrition labels. 

An easy way to make sure you’re eating healthy is to focus on eliminating or severely reducing your sugar intake.  If you can successfully get a hold of your sugar consumption, you will find that your health has drastically improved; everything from your weight, to your respiratory functions. Yes, sugar, is just that influential; it adds weight to your body, gives you energy, can lead to diabetes, and many other health issues. Keep on reading to learn how you can successfully avoid sugar in your diet.

How to Avoid Sugar In Your Diet

  • Make your own food
    Naturally, the easiest way to remove sugar from your diet is to prepare your food yourself. Even if prelabeled food says it does not contain sugar, it could still contain trace amounts which isn’t what you want.
  • Avoid glucose laden fruits
    Certain fruits have a naturally high glycemic index. Avoid eating fruit with high natural glucose levels, like durian. Instead pick fruits that have lots of healthy fats like, avocado.
  • Avoid bottled drinks
    Beverage choices are some of the biggest culprits when it comes to ingesting sugar. Try to only drink fresh squeezed fruit or vegetable juices and water.

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