Diabetes Mellitus: What Must a Diabetic Diet Typically Constitute of?

Diabetes mellitus, more commonly known as simply diabetes, is a disease affecting millions of people worldwide. Diabetes can be categorized into two types: Type -1 and Type-2. The former is characterized by a lack of insulin production in the pancreas. Without insulin, your body is not able to store glucose in the cells, which leaves your blood glucose levels too high. The latter is characterized by your cells having a resistance to insulin and not responding to it properly. Regardless of which type of diabetes a person possesses, they should pay extra special attention to their diet, as your diet is the biggest factor in controlling diabetes.

What is a Diabetes Diet?

A diabetes diet focuses on providing a person with healthy foods in moderate amounts. It is a healthy eating plan that extends past what’s on your plate to become a part of your lifestyle. The basics of a typical diabetic diet is nutrient rich foods that are low in fat and low in calories. This may sound like a typical healthy eating plan, but that is to be expected, as just about everyone can benefit from a diabetic diet.

A Diabetic Diet

There are many ways to go about fashioning a proper diabetic diet. You can easily make a healthy eating plan that suits your particular needs and tastes, so long as you follow a few key guidelines that all diabetic diets should have in common:

  • Eat 3 meals a day
  • Eat at regular times
  • Eat healthy carbohydrates
  • Eat fiber-rich foods
  • Eat fish

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