Here’s what to do if your toddler is underweight

There are several reasons that can be responsible for a lower weight in toddlers. Genetics certainly plays a role. You will be definitely worried about your baby’s eating habits and his/her development. Add to this the fact that many toddlers can be fussy and picky about what they eat. It is important for children to have a healthy and balanced diet. You must certainly consult your doctor on a regular basis who will be the best judge when it comes to ensuring the healthy development of your child through the right diet. 

Tips for parents with underweight toddlers

  • With your doctor’s recommendation, it might be a great idea to introduce nuts and soy-proteins in your child’s diet if he/she is not allergic. 
  • You might also consider feeding your child mangoes and bananas which are both high-calorie foods. 
  • It is important to consider the environment in which the baby has his/her food. If there are too many electronic gadgets around including phones, computers, tablets, and TV, your baby might be constantly distracted while eating. It is crucial to have a peaceful atmosphere when eating.
  • If your doctor recommends, you can increase the baby’s calorie intake. Children eat in small proportions so it would be best if you feed him high-calorie foods such as full-fat dairy products, puddings made from milk, and cheese after the doctor’s approval.
  • It is essential to maintain a fixed routine for the meal times. You should feed your child at regular intervals. Do not miss any meal— this will help him gain weight.
  • Supplements should be included in the child’s diet only after your doctor prescribes them. Vitamin supplements that include vitamin A, C, and D could be included in the child’s diet.
  • Opt for healthy snacks such as cereal bars, peanut butter crackers, and oats. You can also feed him with fruit juices. 

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