Here’s How to Use Baking Soda this Summer for a Beautiful Skin

Baking soda is an important ingredient in your kitchen. Did you know that it can be included in your daily beauty regimen? Baking soda has numerous health benefits. As it is alkaline in nature, it balances the pH level of the skin which will cause the skin to glow. It also removes the dead cells from the skin. Here are some ways to use this ingredient to treat your summer skin woes.

Using baking soda in your beauty regime

  • It is used to treat skin rashes. Baking soda has anti-bacterial and anti-inflammatory properties. It is alkaline in nature and will provide relief from swelling and itches which are caused by skin rashes.
  • Add coconut oil to baking soda and make a smooth paste. Apply this paste for 5 minutes. It has a soothing effect on the skin. 
  • It is also known to treat the scars left by acne. Make a paste of baking soda with water. The paste should be thick. Apply to the skin. Baking soda will remove the dead cells and it can be used twice a day. 
  • It is excellent for treating sunburns. Baking soda has a cooling effect and can be applied to skin that has been damaged by the harmful rays of the skin. Make a thick paste of baking soda with cold water and apply on the affected area and then wash off. This will provide relief from the itchiness. 
  • Skin tan: Baking soda is an excellent tan remover. Make a paste of 1 tsp of baking soda with water and vinegar. Apply on the skin and let it rest for 10 minutes. It is known to remove tan very effectively. 
  • It also helps to prevent the clogging of the skin pores. As it is alkaline in nature, it removes extra oil and sebum from the face. This will help to open up the pores. 

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