Top 5 Kitchen Ingredients You Can Include in Your Everyday Skin-Care Routine


If you’re really trying to keep your skin looking and feeling great, you need to treat it with a daily skin routine. Luckily, you can do this using some common household kitchen ingredients. Below are some great ones for skin treatment; you can use them all separately or combine them to make an effective personalized skin care regimen.


Colloidal oatmeal (finely ground oats) is a common household kitchen ingredient that you probably didn’t know you could make use of for your face. But you can make a simple face mask using oatmeal as a base to help treat all kinds of skin conditions or irritations. It can treat eczema, summer dryness, bug bites, even flaky skin. It is essentially a powerful soothing agent that is perfect for reducing irritability in your skin; you can even use this to treat skin rashes.

Green Tea

Green tea is one of those things we just know is healthy and has a thousand and one benefits. Here is yet another couple. If you transform green tea into a serum by combining it with a facial oil you can use it to treat your skin. The polyphenols in green tea will protect it from UV damage, reduce inflammation, and even prevent the breakdown of skin elasticity.

It will keep your skin firm, plump, and lustrous. Start your day with some green tea in an insulated tumbler every morning.


When you’re making your omelet in the morning, be sure to keep an extra egg to make a quick face mask. Separate the egg white and apply it to your face after you’ve rinsed it off. Let it dry before rinsing off with warm water. If you do this regularly, you will keep your pores tight which will prevent them from clogging with dirt.

Lemon Juice

Lemon juice is a type of natural astringent thanks to its acidic content. It helps to treat acne, oily skin, and blemishes; it’s essentially a type of toner that can reduce the amount of sebum and tighten the large pores on your face. As an added bonus, it has antibacterial and antioxidant properties which reduces the amount of damage your skin will take and increases the rate of skin regeneration. Just create a lemon juice solution by diluting it with fresh water before applying it to your face.

Raw Honey

Raw honey is one of the best scrubs to use on your skin. Honey acts as a natural antibacterial and antioxidant. It kills harmful bacteria on your skin while fighting off the harmful free radicals that will damage it. It is also a great moisturizer – applying it to your skin will leave it feeling moist and smooth.

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