Multiple Sclerosis – How Cocoa Can Help

Fatigue can make life pretty difficult for people, especially those people who are suffering from multiple sclerosis (MS). New studies have emerged though, that show drinking a nice cup of cocoa can result in some relief from fatigue. Not all cocoa is made evenly however, only dark chocolate is able to give your body true health benefits. This is primarily due to the fact that dark chocolate is rich in flavonoids, the phytonutrient responsible for giving chocolate its distinct color. The flavonoids have been proven to have anti-inflammatory properties, which is the source of some of the worst fatigue.

How does dark chocolate fight MS fatigue?

Dark chocolate that is between 70% – 85% cocoa solids helps to reduce fatigue in people suffering from chronic fatigue syndrome. It does this by providing soothing inflammation relief. The inflammation you experience from daily life can easily stack up and become debilitating, especially if you already have a preexisting condition. Your body has to spend more time and energy healing and overcoming the inflammation which reduces the amount of time your body has to rest and recover.

Flavonoids don’t just stop inflammation, they also possess the ability to block the brain chemical known as adenosine. Blocking adenosine is a great way to counter fatigue and promote wakefulness.

While, simply eating dark chocolate will not magically remove all of your fatigue, it will help you feel better and more energetic. This relief to fatigue no matter how slight, should not be underestimated, especially when suffering from a truly debilitating disease like multiple sclerosis. Try consuming dark chocolate either by simply eating it, or turning it into some type of chocolate confectionary. Mole sauce is highly recommended because you can include dark chocolate in your favorite dishes.

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