Is it safe to consume parsley during pregnancy?

Parsley has a strong flavor and aroma and originated in the Mediterranean region. It is widely used for its aroma as a flavoring agent. However, it is now grown all over the world and is used in the preparation of many delicacies. Some people love to drink it in the form of tea as well. If you are pregnant and are wondering if you could consume parsley, the answer is yes, you can, but it has its share of side-effects which are important to note. Parsley is safe for consumption during pregnancy. However, over-consumption could cause numerous health complications. Your doctor will be the best person to determine if you can eat parsley and in what amounts.

Heath benefits of parsley during pregnancy 

  • Parsley is very rich in folic acid and is required for the development of nervous system.
  • It is a powerful antioxidant and will boost your immune system during pregnancy. It is also very rich in vitamin C and B. 
  • Parsley also contains potassium and magnesium which are the minerals that help to reduce swelling during pregnancy. Potassium is known to help maintain the overall health of heart. 
  • Parsley is known to reduce joint pain as it has anti-inflammatory properties. Parsley also helps in fighting problems such as bloating and gas. 
  • Adding parsley to the diet will help to remove iron deficiency from the body. It is also a rich source of vitamin K and calcium. These are required for proper bone health during pregnancy. 
  • Parsley is also good for the skin. 

Important things to remember when consuming parsley during pregnancy

  • It is best that you grow parsley yourself. 
  • Wash and clean the leaves properly so that all the dirt and germs are removed. Do not use the rotten leaves as they might cause food poisoning.
  • Remember that there are some side-effects of parsley as it contains myristicin which can cause increased heart rate in the baby. Parsley oil can cause damage to the kidneys.
  • Parsley can also lead to miscarriage or abortion. Hence, it is strongly recommended that you consult your doctor before you start consuming parsley during pregnancy.

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