Ginger And How It Suppresses The Negative Effects Of High-Fat Diets

Ginger has long had a place as a legendary medicinal herb. Its reputation even extends to the realm of fiction where it portrayed as a lifesaving medicine capable of revamping the body. While ginger may not be able to bring you back from death, it can actually have some pretty powerful health benefits for your body. Ginger is a potent anti-inflammatory that is primarily used to aid digestion and fight stomach pains. But recent studies have shown that ginger can be used for more than that. It actually possesses the ability to prevent some of the negative effects that come from eating a high fat diet.

The study found that consuming ginger and ginger extracts can stop the gain of body weight and body fat in rats hat are eating a high fat diet. Researches divided 27 rats into 3 groups and fed them three separate diets: a high fat diet with hot water ginger extract, a high fat diet with ginger extracted with high-hydrostatic pressure, and a plain high fat diet. The rats survived on the diets for 10 weeks. At the end of the study, the rats eating the high fat diets with ginger showed improvements concerning inflammation and gene activity. The high fat diet with ginger extracted with high-hydrostatic pressure showed better improvements in weight gain suppression. Although the other ginger diet with hot water ginger extract also demonstrated to play a role in weight gain suppression.

Overall, while ginger will not magically cure all of your ailments or make you magically lose weight, it can play a significant role in helping you to avoid weight gain. You should work on including it in your food or taking some ginger extracts. Your body will thank you.

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