Common Nutritional Concerns for Children and What You Can Do About it.

Parents are always concerned about the eating habits of their toddlers. Breast milk should be given to the child according to the work schedule of the mother. Expressed breast milk can be fed to the baby if the mother is working. All the meals and snacks should provide the toddler with the required quantities of all the essential nutrients for healthy growth and development. Children need all types of nutrients such as carbohydrates, vitamins, fats, proteins, and minerals. However, the requirements for these are different for children and adults. 

Meeting children’s nutritional requirements 

  • Protein: To fulfill your child’s protein requirements, you can include eggs, peas, beans, and unsalted nuts in their diet. 
  • Fruits: Fruits are packed with a lot of nutrients. Encourage your children to eat fresh fruits. Canned fruits have added sugars and are best avoided. 
  • Vegetables: Fresh vegetables should be fed to the child; this includes peas, beans, and green leafy vegetables such as spinach and broccoli. Do not opt for frozen or canned vegetables. 
  • Grains: Always choose whole grains instead of refined grains. Whole grains include oatmeal and whole wheat bread. You must limit the consumption of refined grains like white bread and pasta. 
  • Include yogurt, milk, and cheese in your child’s daily diet. You should feed him low-fat dairy products. 
  • If you are feeding your child with a bottle, make sure that the bottle is thoroughly cleaned. You should encourage the child to drink milk from a cup as bottles can harbor germs resulting in higher risks of infections. 
  • Make sure that your child eats a healthy and balanced diet. If you observe that your child seems smaller or shorter than his peers, it is important to consult with your doctor since these could be on account of medical conditions as well as due to poor nutrition. 

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