Can You Safely Drink Iced Tea During Pregnancy?

Iced tea is the perfect summer drink. Just one sip and it takes you to a joyride of incredible flavors. However, is it safe for pregnant women to be drinking iced tea? Let’s look at this question in greater detail. Since iced tea contains caffeine and sugar, its consumption might have adverse effects during pregnancy. 

Caffeine is known to have several negative health implications on pregnant women. It can potentially cause stillbirth and miscarriage as well. We strongly recommend getting in touch with your doctor before you drink iced tea.

Should you drink iced tea during pregnancy?

The following are some important points to note with regard to over consumption of iced tea during pregnancy.

  • Since iced tea can have lots of added sugar, it is best avoided.
  • Iced tea also contains caffeine which can have several adverse effects during pregnancy. For instance, caffeine in large amounts can result in miscarriage. Your doctor might be the best person to consult in this regard.
  • The consumption of iced tea can hamper the absorption of folic acid in the baby which can cause neural tube defects.
  • The consumption of iced tea can also lead to iron deficiency in the body which can trigger anemia. 
  • Over-consumption of iced tea loaded with caffeine can lead to stillbirth as well. 
  • Iced tea also acts in the manner of a diuretic and will dehydrate your body. 
  • Iced tea with its caffeine content can also interfere with your sleep patterns, resulting in loss of sleep. 
  • Consumption of iced tea can also result in low birth weight. This is mainly due to the caffeine content. 

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