Using Cucumber for a Healthy Body and Skin

Cucumbers make tasty vegetables which are an essential part of salads and delicacies. They are very commonly used in Asian dishes thanks to their unique flavor. Cucumbers are known for their cooling effects which makes them especially valuable in summers. 

Here’s How to Use Cucumber for a Healthy Body and Skin

  • If you cherish a cool and refreshing bath on a hot summer day, head straight to your bathroom and add sliced cucumber and 2 cups of Epsom salt in addition to some peppermint leaves (torn) and 3 drops of your preferred essential oil. Soak in the refreshing bath and emerge rejuvenated!
  • Puffy eyes are a common problem during summers and cucumbers come to your rescue here too. They are rich in water content and will hydrate the skin in the eye region. The chilled cucumber will help soothe the blood vessels in the area as well. Take a chilled cucumber and cut into thick slices. Place these over the closed eyes and let them remain for 15 minutes to relax the eyes and get rid of the puffiness.
  • Cucumber juice is believed to help relieve the burning sensation experienced on account of hyperacidity or ulcers. 
  • Cucumbers have lots of phytochemicals as well. They can help tighten the skin and make it firmer. 
  • It is recommended to eat cucumber slices daily. The electrolytes, sugar, and B vitamins in cucumber can help make up for the lost nutrients and vitamins. This will help rejuvenate the body and boost energy levels.
  • Cucumber juice is a great source of sulfur and silicon. If you wish to have healthy and lustrous hair, we highly recommend using cucumber juice which will also promote hair growth.
  • Cucumbers are also an essential part of many homemade face masks. In order to remove skin blemishes, blend one cucumber chunk in a blender and add a drop of rosemary essential oil. Whisk an egg white until it is stiff and introduce into the blend. Apply it over the face but leave the mouth and eye areas clear. Leave it for 15 minutes and remove using a clean and damp cloth. 

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