The Protein-Fat Combos that Work Well for Keto

Keto diet is one of the most effective diet plans circulating the health and wellness community right now. Its efficacy is in large part due to its simplicity; you do not have to be a master chef or a nutritionist to start doing keto. You really just need to understand the philosophy behind keto and then implementing it is a piece of cake (do not eat cake while doing keto).

How Keto Works

The fundamentals of keto are pretty simple. Essentially, keto is a diet that emphasizes eating lots of protein and healthy fats and minimizing carbohydrate intake. There is no need to count calories, only to identify the right foods to eat. Typically, the correct foods are meat products, dairy products, some fruits and dark green veggies (avoid starchy vegetables like corn and potatoes).

The idea is that by avoiding carbs, your body will be starved of its primary source of fuel. This will cause your body to enter a state of ‘ketosis’, the condition where your body begins to burn your fat stores for fuel. The longer you stay in ketosis, the faster your body will be able to burn off excess fat and help you achieve your health and wellness goals.

Protein-Fat Combos to Try

Once you know the proper types of food to eat while on keto, it is time to work on combining them to make your meals effective and delicious.

Chicken and avocado

Chicken has all the essential amino acids you need with protein, and the avocado is a great source of healthy fats, the perfect combination for any keto diet.

Low Carb Veggies and Coconut Oil

Keto diet can only use proteins and healthy fats. The best low carb veggies for keto are broccoli, cabbage, celery, mushrooms, and bell peppers.

Fatty Fish and Sour Cream

Fish is always good to eat while on the keto diet. It has omega-3 fatty acids, essential amino acids, and the sour cream is rich with healthy fats.

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